Don’t Expect to See Cristina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” Anytime Soon

Sandra Oh in "Grey's Anatomy." Photo by ABC

Paging Dr. Cristina Yang…

It’s been 4 years since Sandra Oh gave her dose of sharp wit to patients on Grey’s Anatomy. Meredith’s best friend and Seattle Grace’s top cardiologist left at the end of the show’s 10th season, leaving a massive hole in fans’ hearts (no pun intended).

Ever since McFans have been hoping that Dr. Yang will show up along the hospital corridors to whip everyone back into shape with her “dark and twisty” directness.

But it seems as though that hold-up in the waiting room is going to be extended because Sandra has said that she doesn’t see herself donning her scrubs again anytime soon.

“The idea of stepping back into the Cristina shoes, it doesn’t feel right to me right now,” said the actress who is now starting on BBC drama, Killing Eve.

“It’s so funny. Every year, it’s like I hear that I’m coming back to the show. Like for real. But what I realize is, in a way that I’m really pleased and grateful for, is that the show is continuing on with its life and that the show and the people who are still attached to the show are still attached to Cristina. It means a lot to me.”

Ah, Sandra. You’ll always be our “person”.